KUMON helped Jinan to grow personally and academically

26 Oktober 2020

A car was slowly moving through the streets of Japan. Jinan was quietly looking out of the car window, observing the scenes as they passed by. He was enjoying this special holiday with his parents. Everything looked so different in comparison to his home country. But there was one thing he immediately recognized: A KUMON Centre. They passed dozens on that day! „Mum there are so many students here who do the same as me,” he said proudly. „I would like to take a picture!“ And so he did. Standing in front of a Japanese KUMON Centre, proudly holding his own Kumon bag, he took a photo for his Instructor at home.

During a short interview, Jinan’s mum explained „We sent Jinan to a KUMON education Centre when he was going through a difficult phase of his life. We thought he was spending too much time playing video games and had very little patience and lacked focus in his studies.  He was not able to do a single task for a prolonged period.  He was also forgetting his assignments, homework, and was losing things - even worksheets from KUMON- and was very disorganized. We were all suffering! “ said mum and continued with a smile.

“Fortunately, Junko helped us all. It was the positive attitude and friendly relationship between the child and KUMON Instructor that changed our son. It took approximately 6 months to start seeing the difference. It is not just about the knowledge, but more importantly, it is the KUMON methodology we believe that transformed him. He became more independent and patient. He can even start his own KUMON study at home without us needing to tell him. He also developed strong time management skills.  He schedules a time slot for different activities he needs to accomplish that day, and he really follows that. He will benefit from all this his whole life,” added his dad. “One day he even told me: Dad, I’m using the method I learned in KUMON for my courses at school!”

As time went on, Jinan improved in his school subjects. Even the teacher acknowledged the change and his parents started to see better grades and test results. “He brought the confidence and discipline that he learned here in KUMON to school with him and it reflects in his good grades. ”

“Confidence, understanding, being open to new challenges, calculations and logical thinking skills were all developed in a year time. Your progress is really amazing,” tells Junko to Jinan before leaving, “thank you for coming today.”  Jinan grabbed his KUMON bag and looked at the classroom full of students who were focused on their studies. He seems to like the feeling of being part of something bigger than himself. A subtle smile came across his face as he and his parents walked out of the Centre.